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  • 💀 A trillion $$$ industry killed P2E games

💀 A trillion $$$ industry killed P2E games

PLUS: We’re launching something you’ve never HEARD of before 🎧

Gm, this is your favourite doodhwala, we’re here to make the impossible possible, like THAT GOA trip you’ve been planning for years. 🏖

PLUS: We’re launching something you’ve never HEARD of before 🎧

Here’s what’s been making waves:

  • Play to earn just got better, here’s how

  • You’ve never heard of something THIS good

  • An NFT is going for $11 million

  • Milky Meme of the day

Play to earn just got KILLED

Look, let’s be real. You are a busy person. You’re stuck in traffic, in long meetings, and behind that annoying guy who takes forever to order at Third Wave (GTFO!!)

But you’re also interested in web3.

Not just the top-level stuff, but the deets.

And at the doodhwala, we’re here to give you all the sweet sweet deets in a no-nonsense way.

That’s why we read a 20 page VC report by Defiance Capital on gaming so you don’t have to.

Defiance has invested in:

  • Infrastructure: Ethereum, Solana, Avalanche

  • Gaming: Axie Infinity****,**** GuildFi, Merit Circle

  • DeFi: Aave, dYdX, Trader Joes

That’s a better lineup than the lineup of Deewangi Deewangi from Om Shaanti Om.

And its latest report is on the next generation of web3 gaming → P2O gaming.

Wtf is that? Let’s find out.

Games evolved this way:

Pay-to-Play → Free-to-Play → Play-to-Earn → P2O

P2E is HELLA BIG, but it has a problem: It rewards early adopters disproportionately

Like the dude that comes early just to get that perfect table in the corner, with TWO charging spots at Third Wave (F that dude) early adopters get mad benefit in P2E games with their own tokens.

But now, we’ve got P2O 👉 Play To Own.

How does P2O work?

Here’s the breakdown:

  • Users purchase in-game characters as NFTs

  • NFTs rack up features like skins, badges, and weapons, doodh bottles and other cool stuff

  • Features accrue value, and gives the NFT đŸ”șđŸ”șđŸ”ș price

  • Every quest completed unlocks token-based value

I know this is pretty confusing, so let’s look at it with PokĂ©mons:


User spends $10 to buy a PokĂ©mon, like Charizard (Charmander is the best starter! FIGHT ME đŸ”„)

Pokémon dev: +$10 User: -$10

Under the Web model, the user gets nothing even though his Charizard is level 100 with a Blast Burn, and Mega Energy. The game dev, however, gets $10 and can boast that a user has a dope Charizard.


User spends $10 to buy a PokĂ©mon, like Blastoise (where my Squirtle Squad at? 💩)

Pokémon dev: +$10 User: -$10

Under the P2E model, the game rewards early users heavily with a ton of in-game tokens (say $POKE). As more people get in, the amount of $POKE given out reduces.

This way the early adopters are rewarded, and the newer ones get as much as I do when I ask my bade bhaiya for a bite of his vada pav. Basically nothing 😭


User spends $10 to buy a PokĂ©mon, like Venusaur (who tf picks Bulbasaur anyway? đŸ€Ą)

Pokémon dev: +$10 User: -$10

The Venasaur purchased was purchased from an existing user who received ~80% of the proceeds through the secondary market.

✅ Increases incentives

❌ Decreases early advantage

These games can either be built like:

👉 MMORPGs (Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Games) like WoW

👉 Strategy Games like Clash of Clans

The end goal 🏁: A metaverse style game built on an open peer-to-peer network using token rewards + NFT ownership.

The end valuation 💰: Defiance expects the P2O industry to reach a trillion dollars (Rs 80 lakh crore) in the next decade.

Optimistic? Yeah.

Exciting? Hell yeah! đŸ”„

Who’s building the next P2O game? Hit us up, let’s chat, and let us know which team you’re in.

đŸ”„Â Charizard

💩 Blastoise

đŸ€ĄÂ Venasaur

Win 10 MATIC by catching joints

Check out our favourite P2E games rn 👉Flappy Musk and Whack A Tate

You can win $MATIC by catching joints  and punching Tates 👀

We LAUNCHING a Podcast

Move aside Joe Rogan and BeerBiceps

The doodhwala is here to break this bro-opoly.

We know you love reading us.

Now, you’ll love hearing us as well!

Presenting the doodhwala daily crypto show!

A daily dash of the best news + analysis from around the crypto dunia.

Everyday we’ll:

→ Give you the milkiest crypto news

→ Breakdown ONE crypto news

Did I mention that we’re dropping this every day! đŸ€Œ

All in less than 10 minutes.

That’s less time than it takes to get a Dunzo Delivery 💹

Check out the first episode here:

Listen to today’s episode and guess how many times we said the word “Goddamn.”

The right answer will get something đŸ€€ from the doodhwala.

We know ya’ll are totally not lazy at all, but we saved some time. Put out this message with your guess:

Goddamn the @doodhwaladaily said “Goddamn” ____ times in today’s Goddamn Doodhwala Daily podcast. Now give me my Goddamn milky treat.  Lol check out their Goddamn podcast here: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1lmA0dBaADX2afcXFwWzni

And please don’t tell our mothers we swear đŸ„Č

An NFT is going for HOW MUCH?

We were doing the daily doom scrollin on Crypto Twitter and found this:

Someone just listed their pipe-smoking, glasses-wearing, cap sporting CryptoPunk for 8.8k ETH or $11.6 million (Rs 94 crore)


The cool thing is — the dude bought the punk 2 days ago for 79.69 ETH (noice 👌)

And now he wants to flip if for 111 times the price đŸ€Ł

We checked out the ETH address holding this punk.

They’ve got an NFT portfolio worth $6 MILLION that’s Rs 50 ducking crores

The dude owns:

  • 9 Crypto Punks đŸ‘Ÿ

  • 5 Rich Babies đŸ‘¶đŸ»

  • 1 Crypto DickButts 🍑

We’re gonna keep a close eye on this address because its been buying up NFTs left right and centre.

And if the NFT market continues to move up, these Punks might end up punking someone. 👀

Milky Meme Of The Day

If you want more doodh then, be sure to follow our Twitter (@DoodhwalaDaily)

That’s all for today bhaiyo aur bheno! Naale Sigona!

Yo! Our legal and financial advisors (aka our good ol’ conscience) have asked us to add this boring disclaimer.

None of what you read here is financial advice. We aren’t here to get you to buy or sell a crypto. We’re only here to tell you what’s up in crypto today and make you laugh. So, if you screwed up on a trade, that’s on you G. Stay safe in the markets.