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  • 🕵️‍♂️ Arkham wants to DOX you

🕵️‍♂️ Arkham wants to DOX you

PLUS: Crypto jobs are still...booming

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Gm, this is Doodhwala, the only crypto newsletter that will give you breakfast in bed.

Some crypto pancakes with sunny-side memes? Coming right up. 🍳

Here’s what we got for you today:

  • 🕵️‍♂️ Snoop Exchange: This crypto exchange wants to DOX you

  • 🚀 Crypto Jobs moon-ing: Crypto companies are embracing global talent, setting them up for record growth and success.

  • 📈 Latte and Lists: ETH is controlled by the CIA?

  • 🛠️ Resourcewala: Don’t get crabby

  • 🍼 Doodhshots: The Pink Pussy drainer is coming for you


🕵️‍♂️ Arkham Intelligence wants to DOX you

Arkham Intelligence.

Nope, it’s not a sequel to that Batman video game where The Joker tries to take Batman’s IQ test. 🤣

🦇 BATMAN ARKHAM INTELLIGENCE: Can The Dark Knight get a B+?

It’s a new kind of crypto exchange. And everyone HATES it.

I’ll tell you why, because it concerns your – P R I V A C Y.

Arkham Intelligence launched the world’s first – “on-chain intelligence exchange.”

Q. What kinda intelligence? 
A. Crypto alpha from anonymous crypto traders on social media sites.

This would allow normal users (like us) to:

1️⃣ buy “intelligence” about cryptos

2️⃣ make investments based on these trades

This seems kinda cool until you notice the “Intel Bounties” feature on Arkham.

That’s where Arkham goes from a cool new marketplace to Randall from Recess.

Under the “Intel Bounties” program, Arkham will incentivize users to set up bounties promoting doxing of crypto wallets’ real-world identities.

Hold up, what’s doxing? 🤔

Doxing is GEN-Z term describing the action of publishing private or identifying information about a particular individual on the internet, typically with the intent to harm the individual.

Through the Intel Bounties program, Arkham is creating a marketplace for on-chain researchers to:

  • track wallets

  • link wallet to real-world identity

  • create concerns about on-chain privacy

This is how it’ll work 👇

💳 Say you use the wallet: 0x1f9090a8E8B1D2cF2e68c702dAB86763f2a38236

(Btw this is a random wallet address that we’ve taken from Etherscan and randomized via ChatGPT.)

💿 You’ve interacted with – a random crypto mixer that was used to mix funds from a hack.

💰 Someone on Arkham Intelligence sets up a bounty to identify all addresses interacting with the crypto mixer.

🕵️‍♂️ Your wallet is tagged and your real-world identity (the name on your government-issued ID card) is revealed on the internet.

This ☝️ is why people aren’t very happy with Arkham.

And they’re making their voice known on crypto Twitter. Just check out the Quote Tweets to the launch announcement on Arkham’s Twitter.

People are calling this:

  • “DOX to earn”

  • “Warped surveillance tech”

  • “A surveillance marketplace”

Doodhwala’s take:

I don’t want people to know who my crush was in 8th grade, you think I want people to know the cryptos (and worse, weird NFTs) I hold?!?

And you think I want a marketplace where people can be paid to find out who my crush was?!? 😭

NOThankYOU. ✋

💰One dashboard for ALL your crypto

When June moves to July and umbrellas come out, you know what season is approaching right?

It starts with an M.

I’m not talking about Monsoon. ☔️

I’m talking about Money. 💰

Yup, it’s the Money season. For the government.

With Tax Day (July 31) fast approaching, you may be wondering – HOW TF DO I MANAGE TAXES ON CRYPTO?

We got you fam. 🤝

Check out → Descrypt.

Descrypt is a crypto taxation tool that tracks your crypto across:

  • Blockchains

  • Exchanges

  • Even that scammy website you used to mint that NFT that’s now worth 0.0003 ETH 😭

Sign up on Descrypt NOW.

Use the code DOODHWALA10 to get 10% off on your sign-up. 🤑


🧑‍💼 Crypto Jobs are booming!

If you thought the milk industry was booming.

Wait till you hear about crypto jobs! 👨‍💻

Crypto jobs are killin’ it, and there are new roles that are constantly popping up. ⏫

This is happening due to a combination of Sturdy businesses 🤝 Global workforce.

What kinda jobs are out there?

How do I get these jobs?

And who's winning?

Let's get the job done! 😤

1️⃣ Crypto Job openings are huge.

Guess what doodhs, there's never been a better time to be a crypto bro than right now.💪

Large crypto companies like:

👉 Binance

👉 Kraken

👉 Coinbase

…have figured out the right mix of remote work talent.

How have they done that? — They build Headquarters in new places all the time! 🏢

And this makes jobs just accessible as fresh cow milk in the morning.🐄🥛

Just a glance over Blockchainjobs(dot)co and there are over 600+ open roles across the globe!

Not just that:

There’s been a 50% concentration of jobs across the West, i.e, Americas and Europe.

One thing is fo sho, open roles right now are literally—

2️⃣ Global jobs and roles.

We drank some fresh doodh to pull up a few crypto employment stats. 🥛

Here's what we got:

👉 Exchanges got the highest number of employees with over >>62,000.

👉 Second best is crypto financial services (Staking, Lending…) with over > 48,000 employees.

👉 The rekt sector is the not-so-surprising NFT and gaming space, with less than 12,000 employees globally.

Cheggout the chart.👇

Source: K33 Research

Here’s something to think about:

  • The industry now employs over 1,90,000 employees globally. 📈

  • Out of this☝️, around 30% of employees are based out of the US.🇺🇸

  • India 🇮🇳 is the largest employer for the crypto sector in Asia.

And this statistic probably doesn’t include a lot of crypto’s nuanced and specific roles. (Like the Doodhwala)

Ohh and not to forget roles where people just shill tokens for simple work.🤑

So how many more jobs could be out there?🤔

Worth a thought, innit?

3️⃣ Global and remote workforce = Sustainable?

There’s no denying, with the crypto industry booming. We have opened doors to a lot more global talent than ever before.🌏

There is one possible question tho – Is such employment even sustainable?

Think of the old process for a second - If you had to get a job overseas, you’d have to:

👉 Get a college degree.

👉 Collect years of experience.

👉 Apply for an international job through a shady broker.

Well now, you could just drop a message to a project founder on Twitter and probably land a well-paying job!🤷

Is this a sustainable process? Or are people setting themselves up for failure?

There is only one way to know – Start Applying! ✏️

Doodhwala’s take:

We hope the industry booms with new roles so that we can launch dedicated milk-supplying services. 😀🥛


📈 Latte and Lists: ETH nodes controlled by CIA?

Welcome back, tin foil hatters! 🎩

We have a special deluxe version of the charts for you today. 🎉

And it helps us understand a very sus question - Are the CIA and government controlling ETH? 😨

If nothing, it helps us understand that ETH in itself isn’t very decentralized.🙅

So here’s what we discovered:

More than half of all the ETH nodes are run out of the United States. 🇺🇸 (Roughly >4500+ at any given time)

🥛Doodh fact: Nodes help in validating transactions and storing data about the state of a blockchain. They are the information carriers for a blockchain.

Here’s the catch tho:

Data shows that more than half of the nodes run in the US are based out of a single data center in Virginia.🙂

And this place is literally 20 minutes away from the White House and CIA headquarters.😀


Maybe. But hey- if you’re one to connect the dots, who’s to stop you?🤷

Also, as we said, this shows that ETH isn’t as decentralized as it was envisioned to be - With a major chunk of nodes still running out of US and Euro regions.

What do you think would be the future for ETH nodes?

And are they being controlled by the government?

Hit reply and let us know your thoughts!👇

Source: Etherscan


🛠️ Resourcewala: Don’t get crabby

We’re not in a bear market. We’re in a crab market. 🦀

That’s a market that moves sideways, like how a crab walks.

There are no ups, few downs, it’s just sideways movement between two price points. 🥱

So, in these kinda markets, what do you do? (apart from reading the doodhwala)

Don’t worry fam, we got ya covered in today’s Resourcewala:

  • What are crab markets?

  • Are crab markets good for crypto?

  • How can you build skills in these markets?

🍼 Doodhshots: The Pink Pussy drainer strikes

  • 🪙 Bitcoin ATMs: Reports say that it is impossible to trace transactions made using Bitcoin ATMs. Now that’s what I call banking.

  • 🥷 Another Exploit: Robox Finance gets hit with an exploit, getting over 100k drained in exploits. Gotta stay safe out there!

  • ↔️ Stablecoin Threat: A new BIS survey says that Stablecoin adoption may be a widespread threat. Okay, how bout CBDCs then?

  • 🌀 Drainers Unite: 4 drainers, Pink, Venom, Inferno, and Pussy - together have exploited over $64 million so far. Ayo what those names tho?

  • 💰 $560 million BAG: The biggest mutual fund manager in the world holds $560 million in BTC mining stocks. Mutual funds are subject to market risks?

🤣 Milky Meme Of The Day


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That’s all for today folks! See ya tomorrow!

Yo! Our legal and financial advisors (aka our good ol’ conscience) have asked us to add this boring disclaimer. None of what you read here is financial advice. We aren’t here to get you to buy or sell crypto. We’re only here to tell you what’s up in crypto today and make you laugh. So, if you screwed up on a trade, that’s on you G. Stay safe in the markets.

Today’s edition was brought to you by Ritik Gupta and Sumanth
