⛏️ First Ever Mining NFTs

PLUS: Yugs Labs' cheating problem 🫢

Gm, this is the doodhwala, the crypto newsletter that’s as relaxing as a bubble 🛀🏻 bath with your favourite song playing, and, of course, a bottle of doodh! 🥛

Here’s what we got for you today:

  • 🤥 Web3 gaming's cheating problem

  • ❤️ Miners are LOVING this NFT

  • 👀 ETH in Apes OUT

  • 👎 Faketoshi takes ANOTHER L

  • 🤣 Milky Meme of the Day

It’s bubble bath and doodhwala time! 🛀🏻

🤥 Yuga Labs' cheating problem

One of the biggest web3 games dropped last month.

And it’s already created a thriving market for cheaters. 🙄

Dookey Dash. (yes dookey as in = 💩)

❌ Dookey Dash is not when you had a bad plate of paani poori from the roadside chat shop, and now you’re dashing for the 🚽.

✅ Dookey Dash is the latest game from Yuga Labs, the company that owns the biggest NFT projects including:

🤖 Meebits👾 Cryptopunks🐵 Bored Ape Yacht Club🫠 Mutant Ape Yacht Club

They launched the Dookey Dash game where an ape (this time with a body + legs, and not just a radioactive face) rides a snowmobile 🏂 kinda bike.

Through a sewer. While wearing an oxygen mask. The ape is not just taking a leisurely ride and inspecting the sewage system, no no that would be a booriiinngg game.

He's avoiding obstacles that you'd typically find in a sewage system like —

  • a beach 🪩 ball

  • a phone ☎️ both

  • a fire 🧯 hydrant

  • a rubber 🐤 duck

  • a stereo 🔉 system


But no doodh bottles. Because people don’t throw away full doodh bottles, no matter how bad it is 😇.

The goal of the game? 🏁

Avoid the obstacles and get as many points as possible.The rewards of the game? 🏆

Higher the rewards = Greater the chance of minting the new Yuga Labs NFT collection.

There’s also one other thing.

The highest scorer will get a mysterious prize. 🤫

That ☝️ is what everyone is playing the game for. But they’re not just playing the game, they’re gaming the game.

The Dookey Dash gaming wars have opened up a large market for “boosters”

Boosters = Kids who’re addicted to BOOST ❌Boosters = Dudes who carry around an extra shot of the vaccine ❌Boosters = Players who are hired to get a high score in games like Dookey Dash ✅

Yup, with the popularity of Dookey Dash, players are paying agencies huge 💰 of money to get a high score for them. They're paying:

  • 0.25 ETH for a score of 250,000 points

  • 1 ETH for a score of 500,000 points

  • 2.5 ETH for a score of 700,000 points


How do they do the BOOSTERS do this?

Well, they just drink a liter of straight 🐄 doodh which improves their hand-eye coordination + heightens all sensory skills. Jk jk, that’s us writing newsletters.

The BOOSTERS use spoofers aka pieces of code that remove all the obstacles in the game.

I mean, the obstacles are still there, but the monkey just go through them like they weren’t.

Kinda like how I walk past a friend of mine who I owe money to. “500 rupees from last week? I’m sorry do I know you?

Doodhwala’s take:

Yeah, web3 games have the same web2 problems.

Remember using the cheat “BIG DADDY” cheat in Age of Empires and mowing down elephants and horses with a Black Cadillac? 🤣

That was the most random cheat ever. Now, it's web3's turn.

In order to make it less game-able (get it?) maybe we gotta get the game on the blockchain?

I mean, isn’t that the point of blockchain gaming?

📢 Students: Build the NEXT Twitter

Twitter. Zapier. Thorchain.

These companies have only 1 thing in common.

They were all created by 👨🏽‍💻 developers at hackathons.

Now, they’re worth billions, by allowing people to:

  • shitpost (Twitter)

  • automating tasks (Zapier)

  • create liquidity across blockchains (Thorchain)

But there are still a BUNCHA ideas out there for you to hack away.

Where can you hackaway? 👉 Right here.

And you don’t have to leave your bedroom. 😲 👉 Do it online.

Check out our frens at Web3ForAll, they’re prepping Ur-Hackathon 2.0.

💰 Prizes upto 480K🗓️ Feb 17 to 24,👩‍🎓 Who: Students, Web3 enthu-cutlets + professionals (basically anyone + everyone)

Apply here.


❤️ Just you, me and…Bitcoin NFTs

They said it can’t be done and yet…it happened.

No, we are not talking about us writing a crypto newsletter instead of selling milk. 🤷‍♂️

We are talking about something a little more important. 😅

Bitcoin NFTs. 🔥

Yup! We can now have NFTs on Bitcoin. (well, sorta)

But you need to call it “digital artefacts”. (cringe 3000 🤦‍♂️)

So what’s happening?

We can now “inscribe” images on the Bitcoin blockchain using a platform called Ordinals. 🏆

What’s that? 🤨

Ordinals is a new platform that leverages quirks in the recent Taproot upgrade (Bitcoin Network upgrade) to allow for the “inscription” of data - such as images, text, video - onto individual satoshis.

This basically means we can now have native NFTs on Bitcoin. Yay!

How is this different from regular NFTs? 🤨

Most of the NFTs we see now aren’t technically “on the main chain”.

They are on decentralized storage sources like IPFS.

This helps in reducing the transaction fee and making it cheaper to acquire it. 📉

But with these Ordinals, it’s literally on the main Bitcoin network (no sidechain, no nothin’ 😎)

Does it mean it’s taking up blockspace? 😬

Yes, it is but it is also driving up the transaction activity, which means…


I mean…just look at how many Ordinals transactions have happened just in the past week!

Over 13,000 Ordinals were minted or “inscribed”. 🤯

And with these kinda transactions happening, miners are receiving mining rewards for facilitating these transactions on the Bitcoin network! 🔥

Doodhwala’s take:

Bitcoin needed this. ✊

With mining rewards dropping every year because of Bitcoin halving, miners have been going out of business.

And this is a bad sign for the Bitcoin network. The only other way miners can make money is through transaction rewards. 💰

But Bitcoin didn’t have much going on with just financial transactions.

This budding NFT project shows that more utilities can be added to Bitcoin to increase transactions in a meaningful way. ❤️

Sure, Ordinals may not be the most ideal utility, but it’s a good early step!


🎮 Gameswala: Cinema Chokra

Guess the NFT collection bringing in the chill vibes but very serious numbers with a floor price of 2.27 ETH 🐱

(answer at the 👇 bottom👇 of the email)


🥛 Into the Doodhverse: Do you even DEFI bro?!

This is your guide to what’s happening in the SUPER boring world of doodhwala this week! 🥱

🎙️ UNCOVERED: How to be a DeFi bro

Look DeFi is as complicated as my ex-girlfriend and as useful as a 🇨🇭 knife.

That’s a weird combination. But so is DeFi DeFi? It’s a combination of decentralization and finance. But seriously tho — How does it work? What can we build on DeFi?

Karan Ambwani, lead at dYdX India, helps the normies understand 👉 How to become a DeFi BRO . 👇


Shhh! We’re dropping something BIG. Something SPECIAL. Something you really want. Something money can’t buy. But the next best thing can. 😉

Keep a track of what we’re dropping on our Twitter. Or, better yet, don’t enter the hell-hole that is Twitter, and sit back, relax, wait for the doodhwala’s email tomorrow for THE BIG REVEAL.

🧭 We going to the NORTH EAST

People say the crypto scene in 🇮🇳 is only in a few Indian metropolitan cities. We say, we dunno because we weren’t that good in 🗺️ geography back in school.

But what we do know is the North 🧭 East of India is SUPEERR INTERESTED in crypto.

That’s why we’ve partnered with Web3Assam to bring crypto to everyone.

📊 Chaach And Charts: NFTs for ETH, fair trade?

Bend it like Beckham.

Nah, fam. ✋

Bend it like BendDAO.

What’s a BendDAO?

BendDAO is a protocol to borrow ETH against deposited NFTs.

It’s kinda like when you go to a bank and say, “give me some cash for my crazy startup idea, and if I screw up, you can have my house.”

(i’m rethinking a lotta decisions right now 😭)

Traders go to BendDAO to pledge their NFTs and borrow ETH against it.

And right now, a buncha people are borrowing ETH for:

🫠 Mutant Apes🐵 Bored Apes🗡️ Azukis

Chegg out the 🚀 increase in these NFTs as collateral 👇


🛠 Resourcewala: Mom LEAVE me alone

In today’s Resourcewala learn how to keep your secrets safe. 🤫

Have you ever felt like your personal life is constantly being watched by nosy aunties on the internet? 🕵️‍♂️

Nosy aunties = Big tech companies loving the T 🍵

They’re tracking your every move. It seems like privacy is a thing of the past 📜

But wait, there's hope! 🙌

Here’s how you reclaim your privacy in web3. 👇


🍼 Crypto Doodhshots: Faketoshi takes another L

  • 🌐 Virtual Assistance: The company that brought you indestructible phones is getting into the metaverse to connect remote workers.

  • 🇧🇦 Sarajevo Says Hi to BTC: Bosnia and Herzegovina's Capital unveils first evaa Bitcoin ATM, despite regulatory issues.

  • 🇨🇳 Bing Chilling: China’s digital yuan CBDC can be used with a smartphone that IS NOT connected to the internet.

  • ⚖️ Craig Wrong: UK judge rules file format of Bitcoin can't be protected by copyright, against self-proclaimed faketoshi Craig Wright.

  • 📹 Short & Sweet: Aptos Labs invests in Chingari, the desi TikTok, bringing new life to web3 social media.

😂 Milky Meme Of The Day

Balaji is competing against the Web3 Normies. 👀


Let us know what you think 👇

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That’s all for today bhaiyo aur bheno! Naale Sigona!

Yo! Our legal and financial advisors (aka our good ol’ conscience) have asked us to add this boring disclaimer.

None of what you read here is financial advice. We aren’t here to get you to buy or sell a crypto. We’re only here to tell you what’s up in crypto today and make you laugh. So, if you screwed up on a trade, that’s on you G. Stay safe in the markets.